Thursday, March 15, 2007

This may turn out to be the greatest movie ever!

This is Micah Matthew at 32wks.He weighs approx.5lbs now.His head is on the left side and it looks like he has his left arm under his cheek,smooshing it.On the right side is his belly which apparently is pretty chubby according to the dr!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Well i feel like the worst human on the planet tonight.Earlier my boyfriend and I went to quizno's and while we were deciding what we wanted to eat,a homeless man came in.He walked up to the c0unter and very politely told the girl that he was homeless and asked if she could please make him a sandwhich.Ofcourse her manager said no and sent him away.The whole time i was thinking i wanted to buy it for him but i didn't say anything.When we ordered our food i got him a sandwhich but by the time we went back outside he was gone.We drove around the area for a bit but couldn't find him.I felt so stupid,i just let a hungry man walk out the door and god knows how long it's been since he ate or will eat again.I've never been in that situation before but I always thought if i were that i would do the right thing.It's moments like that that show you what kind of person you really are.I mean i did end up buying him a sandwhich but what was it that made me hesitate?There should've been no need to think about it,instincts should've told me to speak up.I wonder though have we all just evolved into these self-absorbed creatures without that natural instinct to help one another,or is it just me?I do know one thing,tonight when we couldn't find the man it hurt my heart so bad ,i cried and vowed that i will never let another hungry person go like that again.Just thinking about that poor old man having to swallow his pride,walk into a place with the smell of food all around him,and ask for just a sandwhich,only to be sent away,it kills me.I just hope and pray that wherever this man is tonight that it's atleast safe and that someone will see him and not hesitate to help.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Well I had another ultrasound yesterday(i get one every 2 wks now cause i'm high risk) and the dr discovered that the baby has a dialated kidney.Basically the tube that runs from his bladder to kidney has a kink in it which is causing some of his urine to back up into his kidney.They said it's more common in boys and is not life threatening but if the kink hasn't worked itself out by the time he's 2wks old they'll have to do surgery.Even though it wouldn't be major surgery,the thought of it still kinda freaks me out.He'd have it right around the time his penis would be starting to feel better from the circumsision.The poor kid wouldn't get a break from pain for months! I pray that he doesn't have to have the surgery but at the same time I am just grateful that they haven't found anything too serious.
