Sunday, September 24, 2006

Well,i've been gone for a bit and for the handful of you out there that actually read my blog,i've got some crazy news...sept 8 i found out i'm having a baby.At first i didn't really know what to think,or feel because this was NOT planned,we used protection everytime.The first 3 days i freaked..cried and thought alot.In the past i never thought i'd ever consider abortion,i've always felt it should be legal and all,just never thought i could do it.I was right,i couldnt do it,but i did think about it for a whole 5 secs.Then i thought what if i had aborted my other children,all the amazing memories i would've missed.So now it's been a few weeks and i'm excited about it all.Looking at baby clothes,rubbing my already bigger belly(quite a bump for only the 2nd month!),and wondering if it will be a boy or girl,i'm prayin for a girl since i have 2 boys already.I even have the names picked out,Matthew for a boy,Madeline for a girl,after my best friend.I go to my 1st dr appt. tuesday to find out exactly how far along i am and maybe hear the heartbeat.I'll keep everyone posted :)
