Friday, May 26, 2006

I have just had the immense pleasure of watching what could easily be one of the best movies i've ever seen.V for Vendetta.It examines what could very well be our reality in the very near future.Government corruption and a world of people controlled by fear.In the future it predicts that everyone will have a curfew,which i think is already in affect in some places,homosexuality is illegal and anyone accused of such a crime will be black bagged(they storm into your house,put a black bag over your head and take you away to prison to be tortured and later killed).All supplies are limited,as they mention in the film,water coupons,and those who don't follow orders like good little boys and girls don't get as many coupons as the rest,if any.This movie is frighteningly close to alot of the bullshit that's going on in our government today.How our rights are threatened everyday,not by terrorist,but by our own leaders.They have already outlawed gay marriage in most places,abortion is under attack all the time,and now i even hear about them trying to ban certain clothing.Music,movies,and video games are ALWAYS the motivation for violence so ofcourse it won't be long before they are considered immoral and banned as well.We all live under this illusion that we are free,when in fact we are only free-to do as they say!I'm not saying i'm not patriotic,i really wouldn't want to live in any other country,but we need to stop fooling ourselves with this notion that we are truly free.All of our "freedoms" have limits,and to me,true freedom has no boundaries.Like,we are free to practice whatever religion we chose,yet the 10 commandments are posted in courtrooms.Religion is a popularity contest,and we all know that whoever has the most power is the most popular.We hear about someone being a "good christian man" and we automatically think that must mean they're a good person.Our goverment has made what at the very least might be considered immoral to some,illegal.We don't even have the right to do what we will to our own bodies unless some asshole in a suit sitting in the whitehouse says it's ok.Who decided he should judge?We did.And that's what really scares me,that almost everyone i talk to shares the same or similar opinions as myself,yet somehow we continue to let these criminal dictate our lives.Wether he cheated his way into office or the majority of us were to scared to ellect someone else,it's scary all the same. Doesn't anyone find anything wrong with the fact that marijuana is illegal,even though we all know it's a tremendous help to those with cancer and other ailments?Oh but alcohol is just fine..yea sure,go ahead,drink up America,but you better not light up that joint cause that's bad for you! You know why they don't let us smoke our weed?'s all about the money,you see they have all these contracts with pharmacuetical companies so dr's just keep pushin crap down our throats that have more hanus side affects then the disease itself.Then they get on t.v and claim that it's illegal because it's bad for us!! And what's really pathetic is that some believe this nonsense!They always say they have our best interests at heart.So let me ask this,is it in the crying mother's best interest when she gets that dreaded phone call that her son or daughter was killed during battle?Is it in the child's best interest who had tried every medicine available to control his violent behavior ,but found the only thing that worked was a special blend of marijuana that allowed him to return to school and live a normal life,only to have the gov burn all the crops,which sent this child to an institution for the rest of his life,since the blend could not be reproduced?Is it in the young girl's best interest who becomes pregnant and knows she cannot provide a good life for her child but her options are limited so instead she has the baby and ends up on welfare,only to hear the same gov that banned abortion bitching about all the welfare mothers? Is it in the best interest of a gay man or woman who's love for their partner is deemed unholy,therefore not suited for the oh so sacred bonds of marriage? I ponder these questions now after viewing this film,that moved me to tears,tears of heartache for what the characters went through,knowing that one day it could be the reality for us all,tears of fear because our gov has already begun to slither it's way into our minds like a manipulative snake,using the oh so powerful weapon of fear,and also tears of hope,hope that maybe one day a man in a mask wiil come and open all of our eyes...for our own protection.


Blogger Anonymous Bitch said...

OMG! V for Vendetta is like my favorite movie of all time! i have seen it like 3 times, while it is in theatres!! heehee, like one of the greates movies ever no?

9:50 PM  
Blogger Leesa said...

You said, "Doesn't anyone find anything wrong with the fact that marijuana is illegal,even though we all know it's a tremendous help to those with cancer and other ailments?"

Actually, those with cancer are often prescribed Marinol.

I am an avid proponent in smaller government - I don't like Dems or Reps. But I believe that we should have some rules. For instance, seat belt laws, because I don't want us to support a bunch of vegitables who were made that way because they did not wear their seat belts.

7:36 AM  
Blogger amber said...

i also believe there should be some chaos is not the solution.all i'm saying is that issues such as abortion and gay marriage really shouldn't even be an issue.if we are free then we should be able to chose what we do with our own bodies and who we share our lives with.they act as if making gay marriage illegal will make homosexuals go away,the gov needs to realize this is the reality and stop bringing up christian morals for their reasons why they feel the way they do on such issues,after all,we're suppose to have freedom of religion,yet all our decisions are based upon christian beliefs.i know about marinol,my friends dad is on it for hiv,but marinol doesn't always help.the child i mentioned with the emotional problems was from a case i heard about where marinol didn't work,only that one special blend of marijuana,that had no "high" effects.marijuana should be available to those who have tried marinol with no luck.also,it really pisses me off that alochol is legal but marijuana isn't and for no other reason then they make more money off the outrageous fines they give ppl when they get busted then they would from taxing one has ever given me a good reason why alcohol is legal and weed isn't.things like that make me think my gov is full of shit!

10:56 AM  

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